Sunday, May 17, 2009

More Finished Things!

Hey, maybe by the time this wee one grows up, she really will be able to walk on the moon. Here's hoping!
Name: Moon Booties, for Mary Kathleen, the daughter of Sheila, my infinitely patient friend.
Pattern: Christine's Stay-on Baby Booties, by Christine Bourquin.
Yarn: Hamanaka Wanpaku Denis in color 2, a creamy yellow off-white.
Needles: Japan size 1 metal DPNs. It was a tough fit - the yarn was a bit too thick for those needles.
Finished Measurements: Yeah, I forgot to do that for these too. I suck.
Pattern Mods: None.
Knitting in Public/Movies Watched: I do not remember. I finished these bad boys two months ago and only didn't do this then because I assumed I wasn't finished.
Number of Times Frogged: A few, I think. It took me a while to get the joining into the round going on this one because everything was so tight.
Things I Would Change Next Time: Nothing with the pattern. A better yarn/needle fit would be nice so I'm not hurting myself. Also, now I know not to bother with a i-cord and go straight for a ribbon, since i-cords and twist cords were both way too thick for the tiny little holes I made. But they were truly adorable, and I only hope they still fit.

I finally mailed those packages today, after struggling for some time yesterday to find the appropriate box from my collection. I keep wondering what the post office thinks I'm doing here - I receive and send packages pretty regularly, and customs has taken to opening all of my packages as they come in, and there was that incident with the sudafed last year... Oh well, anyway, I sent off the blanket and booties and my godson's birthday gift in one box, and my dad's extremely belated birthday gift in another. Now I have to get my act together to start the baby blanket for my friend here (I leave in just over two months, and given my record for the last two baby blankets I've done, I clearly do not have enough time), and I guess I should figure out my sister's birthday gift, since again, my record shows that I've got barely enough time to do so in a suitable time-frame.

Right now I'm trying to force myself to do things on my to-do list and delay starting the next Star Trek movie I have from the store. I watched number V last night (God, that one's terrible) and number VI today (possibly my favorite - I just love this one, and Christopher Plummer as a SHakespeare-quoting Klingon? Genius! "Cry havoc! and let slip the dogs of war." Guh.), and I'm itching to start Generations, but then I'll only have two movies to watch the rest of the week, and what will I DO with myself?


Anonymous said...

Ummm, knit that blanket?? (ducking)

Thanks for the donation, Tracy. I really, really appreciate it. Will be getting a raffle together soon, so stay tuned...

tmjackson said...

Well, yes, but I have to watch something while I knit! Also I haven't bought the yarn yet.

And you're very welcome!

The Kantors said...

Hey Tracy. Since you've finished some things, I thought I'd give you an idea for a new project.
I saw these bug finger puppets in a magazine and thought they were really cute. Any chance you could make some for me? The bugs looked rather easy, but I know nothing of knitting. The other finger puppets are adorable as well. I'd be happy to buy a pattern or pay for the yarn if you are up to the task.

MLE said...

Those booties are very cute!

I'm jealous of the patience you must have knitting with size 1 needles. I've made 2 pairs of adult-size socks with tiny needles and got really bored with my lack of progress, so have yet to return to knitting with them. Maybe baby booties wouldn't be so bad because they are small!